Wednesday, May 27, 2020
No Child Left Behind Research Papers - What Is It
No Child Left Behind Research Papers - What Is It? Things You Should Know About No Child Left Behind Research Papers The paper will talk about the origin of the policy, the implementation of the policy along with the present condition of the policy. As time passes, since the clearinghouse starts to produce its reports on such issues, parents will be in a position to ask their principal, teachers and school board members about the degree to which they select programs and curricula that the studies have determined to work. You will would like it to examine the potency of No Child Left Behind. This summary reflects the principal points which were interesting for me and should not be regarded as a comprehensive overview of the book. There isn't any doubt that NCLB has problems that need to be addressed in a new reauthorization. The NCLB Act is a significant issue since it's an answer to help remedy the issue of poor performance of today's children in school. Obama's administration is determining whether to get rid of the laws 2014 deadline. The Obama administration has produced quite a few adjustments to its initial waiver requirements, particularly in the subject of teacher evaluation, that has been the biggest struggle for states. There was no limit on the variety of students who might take alternate tests. Know that the present president won't ever look for treatment for any issues he might have. A description of how the proposed policy change will enhance the conditions made by the social problem must be given. The factors for implementing the changes in the act has to be fully described and the main reason why some pieces of the act do not have to be changed must also be described. No Child Left Be hind Research Papers Fundamentals Explained If you desire them to be profitable, it's necessary for you to teach your children to locate their own way. Also, your son or daughter might be eligible to get free tutoring and extra help with schoolwork. In many instances, students did not make the most of the chance to transfer to some other school, or get totally free tutoring. Students attending schools which don't make AYP for a couple of years in a row is going to be given the choice to transfer to some other school. Get in touch with your kid's school to figure out ways to get involved. Raising awesome child is about giving them every chance to thrive, instead of limiting them within the boundaries of rules. In addition, Parent often produce the error of attempting to live a vicarious life through their children. Parents are permitted to request information concerning their kid's teacher's qualifications and have to be informed in the event the kid's teacher isn't qualified. While Hyperfocusing makes it possible to to work on a single job. Even basic perceptual learning mechanisms need social interaction to work. For instance, it has for ages been used for research in order to rate the potency of a given program or try to find teacher characteristics which are associated with student achievement. This research was confirmed many decades before this. The federal government is needed to offer funding to help with test development. Employing these tests, the state will have the ability to compare schools to one another and know which ones need more assistance to improve. As you believe in the ability of manipulation. This caused organizations to select the reason behind cyber security seriously. The seven states are for the most part Republican with many lawmakers and voters being women. It may lead most of the population to believe it. An enclave is a nation that's situated entirely within another nation. It can make someone appear bad without showing the remaining part of the story. For instance, a kid will get hit. There would not be any miracle turnaround, no joyful ending. We are aware that it is in its sorted position, therefore it can be taken out of the heap completely. Heap sort is essentially a super-improved model of selection sort. So, even though it seems so much like selection sort, it's a lot faster! S ince heaps are a kind of tree, it is helpful to visualize them, the identical way we do with binary trees.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Differences Between High School And College - 938 Words
The beginning of a person’s life in based on education. The two main stepping stones in a students life is high school and college. High school and college both play significant rolls in a student’s life for continuing their education. Even though these two levels of education seem similar, they differ tremendously in time management, testing, expenses, scheduling and assignments. Attending high school and attending college are both beneficial to the student and one’s education. High school and college both require time management skills (Wells sec. I). There are advantages and disadvantages of the differences in these two levels of education. In high school the student spends hours at a school learning multiple subjects but with enough time in classes to complete any assignments so that they do not have any homework. In college, the student is only given a short time span to be lectured in a specific subject, and then take home an assignment to complete. The am ount of time devoted to studies in college is significantly more than the time devoted to studies in high school. Testing in high school is frequent and usually covers small amounts of material. There are also plenty of make up days for the students to take a test that they missed. High school gives you multiple assignments that will help a student out with their overall grade in the class. However, in college most test are cumulative, and they cover a large amount of material. Also, in college professors onlyShow MoreRelatedDifferences Between High School And College909 Words  | 4 PagesThe transition from high school to college is a process that can help students to improve themselves and be more independent. Therefore, they would know what they have to do to achieve their goals and learn how to deal with the time that they have. Similarly, international students, like the Brazilians, when they come to America to study, they have an opportunity to know how to deal with not on ly with the differences between educations given in Brazil and in the United States. In other words, thisRead MoreDifferences Between High School And College936 Words  | 4 PagesThere are many distinct similarities and differences between high school and college. Through academics, motivation, independence, distractions, and relationships, the transition from high school to college is a real eye opener for more students. In high school people would only talk to their â€Å"assigned†social group. There was no in between. When someone saw someone from their clique talking to a girl they didn’t like, that’s when drama would occur, as in people would get in their cliques and talkRead MoreDifferences Between High School And College930 Words  | 4 PagesHigh school and college have some differences and some similarities. Some major differences between high school and college is that in college you schedule your classes for a certain time through the day, while in high school you have classes one after another till the end of the school day. Also college classes are long while high school classes are about only 50 minutes. Some major similarities between the two is that you still have to study for your classes as well as you still have papers andRead MoreDifference Between College And High School928 Words  | 4 PagesThe Difference Between College and High School Once you get to college, you notice many changes from High School. You see changes in the way people dress, teachers teach, parking, and the responsibility that you now have that you didn’t have as much of. But one of the most important changes in college is the classrooms. High school is the gateway of becoming an adult and helps you prepare for college but it also feels like a second home. All the people that you go to high school with, you see themRead MoreDifference Between High School And College1294 Words  | 6 Pagesdistinguishing the difference between high school and college, but still still need to fix on being more in depth and also work on grabbing the audience attention. The authors have good structure by comparing and contrasting because it helped to give the difference between high school and college, to inform their audience, which is new incoming freshman s on what to expect in college. Comparing and contrasting makes a good argument, because it gives audiences the similarities and difference between two orRead MoreThe Difference Between College and High School Athletics844 Words  | 4 PagesThe Difference between High School and College Athletics When I was applying to college I talked to the coach of the University of Central Oklahoma cheerleading squad in hopes that I could tryout for the team. I thought that another commitment in addition to my school work would help to keep me focused for the second semester. One thing that I didn’t expect is the time and energy you need to put aside to play a sport in college. In high school, playing a sport was a much easier task. CollegeRead MoreSimilarities And Differences Between High School And College1319 Words  | 6 Pagesnot the differences. Even though there are similarities that need to be identified, I want my readers to understand the distinctions between high school and college. Although high school and college are alike in some ways, the differences between the two are more striking and they deserve thorough examination. The first items I want to discuss in this essay are the major similarities between high school and college. Cumulative tests, taken at the end of the semester, is one way in which high schoolRead MoreDifferences Between High School and College Essay554 Words  | 3 PagesIt is often said, that high school, prepares a student for college. For certain, a student is being prepared, but only for what the world has to offer, and that is making choices on what to pursue. Certainly, most people would concur with this statement. But, the fact to consider is, that high school does not prepare a student for the major difference in the challenge. One difference in the area of challenge is the work. In high school, students are not challenged with assignments. GenerallyRead MoreHigh School Vs. College1294 Words  | 6 PagesHigh School Versus College Schools are undoubtedly important to one’s education. The most important of those schools are high schools and colleges because they have the most impact on deciding what occupation a student wants to pursue. Although high schools and colleges share similarities in providing education, there are also many differences between each other. In both high schools and colleges there are teachers that educate students on certain subjects. Those subjects can range from mathematicsRead MoreHigh School And College Should Have A Greater Chance For Success922 Words  | 4 Pages â€Å"Students who understand the key differences and learn how to bridge the gap between high school and college should have a greater chance for success†(S.Hansen). Most of us spend 15 to 16 years in school to get to college. School plays a significant role in our life. We can do so much different things in school such as play sports, volunteer and extracurricular activities. High school and college are significantly different and they are also similar in some ways, for instance they are different
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Iran s Current Status Of The Middle East, But Not A...
â€Å"The USA and Europe needs a stable Iran to promote security in the Middle East, but not a nuclear Iran†. Discuss Security in the Middle East S11702992 Word count: 2864 This Essay will attempt to evaluate and discuss the belief that the USA and Europe needs a stable Iran to promote security in the Middle East, but not a nuclear Iran. Firstly, this essay will address Iran’s current status and role in the Middle East, and how Iran is rising to become a regional power. It will explore the current Iranian regime, and address how politics and policy are being influenced, under the Ayatollah’s leadership. It will also address how radical Islam is currently growing in the Middle East, how religion has come to the forefront of politics, and what that means for the West. Secondly, this essay will offer some thoughts on the dangers of a nuclear Iran, which could either create greater insecurity, due to Iran’s motives and objectives for wanting to acquire them, or it could offer possible benefits of balancing power with Israel, as well as potential benefits for Iran, in pursuing nuclear development for peaceful means. It will also give a b rief history on Iran’s stance and support for terrorism, whether that be through economic means, or giving terrorists a safe haven, and how this could be a threat if Iran continues to pursue nuclear weapons. Thirdly, this essay will explore the U.S. and Europe’s perspective on Iran’s role in the Middle East, and why they do not want to see aShow MoreRelatedNuclear Capabilities And Bargaining Process869 Words  | 4 Pageswill discuss the Iran nuclear deal in 2015. Firstly, I will summarize this event and come up with the questions about each actor’s action and preference; then I will analysis the theory behind this issue--Nuclear Capability and Bargaining Process; thirdly, I will analysis the actors’ preferences and interests; finally, I will discuss why did they sign an agreement at that particular time. Puzzle: On July 14,2015 the Iran nuclear deal was signed between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the P5+1â€â€theRead MoreNuclear Atomic Facilities And International Security3776 Words  | 16 PagesINTRODUCTION Since 2002, when the international community discovered the undeclared nuclear facilities and the magnitude of the Islamic Republic of Iran s nuclear programme, several international players and Western countries have focused their efforts on hindering its nuclear agenda. Although the Iranian government has always stressed its civilian objectives, the programme has been considered an important challenge to the non-proliferation regime and international security. Accordingly, thereRead MoreIr An Examination Of A Nuclear Iran Through International Relations Theory1992 Words  | 8 PagesZiad Jawadi International Relations: Gabe Scheinmann 4/12/11 Why is Iran Arming: An Examination of a Nuclear Iran through International Relations Theory A nuclear Iran may be inevitable within the next decade. There is ample evidence suggesting that Iran has the intention and capability of obtaining nuclear weapons. According to Fox News, a new document issued by the Department of Defense on the Iran nuclear threat states: â€Å"Iran could probably develop and test an intercontinental ballistic missileRead MoreAmerican Politics : Ir The Reason Why Iran Essay3068 Words  | 13 PagesAmerican Politics Iran The reason why Iran is such an issue in today’s world is because we are not quite sure what their intentions are. For the past 20 or so years, politicians and international organizations have been saying that Iran was close to developing a nuclear weapon, while they say that their only intentions are developing nuclear power to help power their country. Countries that see themselves as not really being allies with Iran feel threatened that they will develop a nuclear weapon andRead MoreThe For Irans Economic And Political Future1150 Words  | 5 PagesStatement of Purpose: This paper will describe a series of three time periods during which educated, western-oriented Iranians left Iran in ever greater numbers. Then the paper will explore the impact of these waves of emigration on the socioeconomic status of Iran. Also, the paper will assert that the immigrants coming to Iran do not solve the problems created by the waves of emigration. Next, this paper will describe the benefits of this Iranian diaspora to other countries, especially in EuropeRead MoreNuclear Weapons Are The Most Deadly2144 Words  | 9 PagesNuclear weapons are the most deadly, destructive, and powerful form of technology that the world has ever created. Officially, only 9 states out of 196 in the international arena have possession of them. Although nuclear weapons are being eliminated by states, they still hold a significant value for nations in the IR arena with a nuclear annihilation capacity. States within the international community that own nuclear arsenals are automatically feared and respected because of the status symbol theyRead MoreThe Crisis Of The Soviet Union3735 Words  | 15 Pageseffect on the United States, its Western Allies and other regions around the world.. As a matter of national security strategy, the main priority of the U.S. becomes the demonstration of its global primacy to all challengers and overthrowing of the status quo of the powers in the h ostile regions, while the terror emerges as a widespread power utilization method of the weak in asymmetrical power balance. Although, before the terrorist attacks the process of globalization has already challenged the notionRead MoreIran s Nuclear Program And Its Possible Outcomes2143 Words  | 9 PagesHamoon Azizi Essay Assignment 4-18-12 Philosophy 05 Professor Endara Nuclear program of Iran I. Introduction In this essay I am writing about the conflict of Iran’s nuclear program and its possible outcomes. I was born and raised in Iran, so I stumbled upon this particular topic for many years, I was told by my government that â€Å"Nuclear energy is our inalienable right†, meaning that it is not contingent upon the laws or beliefs of any particular culture or other government and thus it is a universalRead MoreThe Threat Of A Nuclear War Essay2272 Words  | 10 Pagesmost importantly, will nuclear fears and threats be laid to rest, or will 2017 be the tipping point in the world’s nuclear struggle. Many politicians, and citizens alike, stand strongly behind the belief that a nuclear war will not be how the world will meet its doom; after all the Cold War occurred yet everyone is still alive. On the other hand, many are convinced that the 21st century will be the end due to political tensions with Russia, the United States, North Korea, and Iran, whom are not onlyRead MoreIs Iran A Nuclear Weapon?2230 Words  | 9 Pagesexplains that most Western and Israeli commentators are horrified of the thought of an Iranian nuclear weapon. However, historical record indicates that if a country is bent on acquiring a nuclear weapon, the country is rarely dissuaded from doing so. Sanctions now, he explains, makes Iran even less likely to change their mind―feeling most vulnerable, Iran seeks protection of a deterrent (Waltz â€Å"Why Iran Should Get the Bomb). Instead of viewing sanctions as a failed policy for their inefficiency,
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Top Modern Research Paper Topics Reviews!
<h1> Top Modern Research Paper Topics Reviews! </h1> <h2> Ruthless Modern Research Paper Topics Strategies Exploited</h2> <p>Since you may see, the procedure is wherever the equivalent. On the off chance that you despite everything feel you need assistance, regardless of whether you've figured out how to settle on a theme, you may consistently look for the administrations of a custom composing administration that will assist you with creating an impressive research paper of which you'll be pleased and will promise you a decent imprint. On the off chance that your point is to create an A-grade examine paper, you ought to pick a fabulous subject first. </p> <p>The significant qualification is that the contentious exposition ought to show a conversation rather than a solitary assessment. Before you start composing a solitary expression of your paper, you first should comprehend what your proposal will be. Convincing expositions share a decent arrangement of similarity with contentious papers. You need to see totally that you're not composing an elucidating paper. </p> <p>Once you have an idea of what you might want to expound on, make certain your subject is neither wide nor tight. The subject you select should pull in the peruser's consideration, along with merit focuses for you to get a high evaluation for your composing aptitudes. For you to create an extraordinary and fascinating independent company look into paper, your decision of theme must be in your field of intrigue. In any case, the correct determination of a point has the ability to play the definitive capacity in the entire research. </p> <p>There's an amount of incredible research paper subjects for the most charming locales of examination. In the event that you like science, you're ensured to talk constant about it. Obviously, our specialists will flexibly you with the best thoughts concerning your bookkeeping themes. Regardless of whether you're an expert in a specific field, don't be hesitant to utilize and refer to outer sources. </p> <p>You can pick the branch of knowledge of sorts of music, history of music, instruments, melodic authors, or performers are only a couple of the districts you can browse. Joining strategies and styles in a particular spot or timeframe is a run of the mill way to deal with concoct a progressively muddled research theme. The move turned out to be progressively increasingly significant. There's no special case for workmanship. </p> <p>Visual intrigue of contemporary French craftsmanship doesn't arrive at the level of French impressionists. Contemporary move continues to hold notoriety in American move schools around the nation. It turned into a gathering for some, various gatherings including Jewish ladies. It was additionally a discussion which was utilized socially to change the point of view of the ages of people in general. </p> <h2> The Do's and Don'ts of Modern Research Paper Topics</h2> <p>Educated individuals should be approached to chip in as proficiency mentors. You may likewise inspect a solitary religion all the more intently (counting Buddhism, Confucianism, or Christianity) and look at the technique by which the religion varies in a few areas of earth. The most appropriate point will assist you with getting passing marks as an awful decision will win you objection from the educator. </p> <p>Otherwise, there are many style guides you may pick from. Contemporary move is significantly more than whatever move styles are mainstream at a specific time. For certain understudies, a decision of subject is the least demanding part. There are a great deal of subjects that you can pick from in the zone of music. </p>
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
What Writers Should Know About Awesome First College Essay Sentences
<h1>What Writers Should Know About Awesome First College Essay Sentences</h1><p>Now that you have your rookie school article completed, the test is to utilize the entirety of your aptitudes and experience to include great first school exposition sentences. This implies your exposition ought not be a straightforward rework; you should utilize new reasoning and set aside the effort to create your sentences with new thoughts and data. The article will at that point be elegantly composed and cleaned for school confirmation. Here are a few hints on the best way to compose an amazing first school essay.</p><p></p><p>First, ensure that you ensure your sentences are short. Utilizing an excessive number of words is a lot for a school paper. It will be difficult to be compact when you have a not insignificant rundown of words, which will expand the length of your sentence by a few words. In any case, in the event that you utilize an excessive number of words, at that point it might be difficult to keep up the sentences in an intelligible order.</p><p></p><p>You likewise need to utilize great sentence structure in your exposition. Actually, you need to utilize a standard configuration that you can without much of a stretch comprehend. Your paper will wind up being designed seriously in the event that you don't follow the right composing format.</p><p></p><p>Your first school article isn't an ideal opportunity to utilize adages and conventional data that has been utilized in different expositions. Ensure that your composing contains new data and smart thoughts. Ensure that you use words that will keep the peruser intrigued by your piece. In any case, your composing must be sufficiently engaging to shield your peruser from getting exhausted with your words.</p><p></p><p>Also, accept an opportunity to give solid counsel. Specialists state that while you are doing this, recollect your article is about yourself and not others. The target of your paper is to help other people, so ensure that you don't appear to be judgmental.</p><p></p><p>Essays are not ordinarily simple. Individuals who compose articles may see them as extremely requesting and overpowering. Set aside the effort to set yourself up. On the off chance that you commit an error, you should in any case have the option to fix it without much trouble.</p><p></p><p>Readers like to get data rapidly and have something to process. Be certain that you have your themes worked out and all set before you compose your first school essay.</p><p></p><p>Write your first school exposition utilizing incredible article practice with the goal that you can compose an extraordinary first school paper. Also, you will be shocked how well you will do once you compose your first school essay.</p>
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Trainspotting Drug Addiction and Drug Subculture Essay
Trainspotting Over the years, heroin and addiction have provided the subject matter for more than a few noteworthy films. The cult film Trainspotting, based on Irvine Welshs book of the same title, offers an attractive case study as it represents a wide view of British youth culture by considering a large number of issues such as the critiques of consumerism, Thatcherism, class stratification and gender identities. The film portrays the lifestyle of a group of young drug addicts which places its emphasis on youth culture and links it to the drug subculture, and while also involving female characters in this drug subculture it manages to successfully relate the issues of drugs and gender. Therefore I will attempt to trace the†¦show more content†¦This belief that tabloids instigate moral panic is prominent in the book Hooligan by Pearson (1983). He introduces us to the concept of moral panic and heightens our awareness of the image of the criminal. This concept was evident in the aftermat h of Trainspotting, as people believed that the major cities in Britain were all filled with drug addicts and that if you visited there you were putting yourself in serious danger of being mugged by one. Pearson believed that the public were put in a state of fear due to the misrepresentation of criminals in the tabloids. A fine example of this could be seen when, in Easter of 1964, the entire front page of many significant tabloids was plastered with stories of how youngsters had beaten up an entire town and a community had been invaded by a mob ‘hell bent on destruction. Mods and Rockers had been accused of assaulting local residents and destroying a great deal of public property. However, after extensive research, Cohen(1973) discovered that this was untrue and the amount of serious violence and vandalism estimated by the tabloids was actually very small. The typical offence throughout was not assault or malicious damage, but threatening behaviour. After Cohen confrontedShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Movie Trainspotting 1513 Words  | 7 PagesThe movie Trainspotting, released in the July of 1996, depicts a group of heroin addicts and their peers eking out an existence in 1980’s Edinburgh, Scotland. Based on a 1993 book of the same name by Irvine Welsh, the movie was a commercial success as well as critical one. It is ranked as the 10th best British movie of All Time by the British Film Institute in 1999 (Best 100 British Films). When the book was published Welsh was condemned for glamorizing heroin abuse, to which he responded that heRead MoreThe Sociological Paradigm Of Drugs And Drug Use1396 Words  | 6 PagesSocieties define both the meanings of drugs and drug experience, with the definitions differing radically among different societies as well as subcultures and subgroups within the same society. Social groups and cultures define what kind of drug taking is appropriate, for example, alcohol use might be seen as appropriate among o ne group and inappropriate among other groups, such as among women and men. They also define which drugs are acceptable and which are not. Society also spell out the socialRead MoreThomas Welshs Trainspottings Depiction Of Scotlands Heroin Addicted Subculture2195 Words  | 9 PagesTrainspotting’s depiction of Scotland’s heroin-addicted subculture elicits a number of questions regarding issues of heroin addiction, choice, and societal dissociation; questions which will be explored and subsequently answered in this paper. Jason Middleton notes that it has been argued that influential pop-culture works such as Trainspotting are to blame for â€Å"’glamorizing’ heroin and ‘making it look cool’†(Middleton). However, I argue instead that Trainspotting provides a complicated viewing of a besmirchedRead MoreBrief Bio of The Stooges3094 Words  | 12 PagesWhen you think of The Stooges whats the first thought that pops into your head? P robably a 50 year old, prune like, Iggy Pop running around like a mad yoke to the video for Lust For Life from the Trainspotting soundtrack. Thats okay. Im here to tell you about the original Proto-Punk (a nascent predecessor of punk) band, the intense, raucous and truly bizarre, The Stooges. Without this band would rock music have turned out the same way we know it? Would the evolution of punk vary from what
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Tips For Writing An Essay On Your Major
<h1>Tips For Writing An Essay On Your Major</h1><p>Do you need to talk about your major in your school paper? A few understudies will feel awkward about the topic. It very well may be a troublesome liable to talk about. Regardless of whether you have a decent contention, a few understudies will think that its hard to shield their school major or thesis.</p><p></p><p>Here are a few hints to assist you with your school article in the event that you need to. As a matter of first importance, you need to recollect that it is your exposition, so you have to compose as though you were composing for school, not as though you were composing a novel. You additionally need to compose plainly and simply.</p><p></p><p>The first tip to assist you with your school exposition on the off chance that you need to talk about your major is to ensure that your paper is spotless. You should keep away from language, linguistic mistakes, and s trange and excess words. The article ought to be as near your heart as could reasonably be expected. On the off chance that you are approached to examine your postulation, it is significant that your paper makes it understood to your peruser whether you have a particular point at the top of the priority list or you are simply thinking about your very own encounters. In the event that you decide to utilize a particular theme in your exposition, guarantee that your article is gem clear.</p><p></p><p>Another tip to assist you with your school paper on the off chance that you need to talk about your major is to utilize models from your life. Your exposition ought not simply be an assortment of realities. You might need to include a couple of stories and statements that mirror your own encounters. Recollect that you ought to have the option to show how your perspective identifies with different points of view, which will assist with clarifying the complexities of your subject.</p><p></p><p>The last tip to assist you with your school article on the off chance that you need to examine your major is to discuss what you gained from your major. You should discuss how your experience is illustrative of others' encounters. On the off chance that you wind up impeded by attempting to consider ways that you can relate your experience to others' encounters, recollect that your paper is for a school grade.</p><p></p><p>The last tip to assist you with your school article on the off chance that you need to examine your major is to consider ways that you can use your picked theme furthering your potential benefit. As the familiar axiom goes, 'Openings travel every which way.' It is significant that you center around the open doors that you may have.</p><p></p><p>The last tip to assist you with your school paper on the off chance that you need to examine your major is to ensure that you are readied. You may find that your educator requests that you compose an exposition during your senior year. Recall that you ought to have arranged for this task in any event two months before your group starts. You may find that it is simpler to focus on your subjects ahead of time and have a thought of what you will write in your essay.</p><p></p><p>The above tips can assist you with your school exposition in the event that you need to. Ensure that you utilize these tips and maintain a strategic distance from a portion of the pitfalls.</p>
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Personal Narrative Short Story - 1415 Words
When I first walked into Cook’s Coffeehouse, I called out aloud, to see if anyone was there to help me with my situation. Eventually, a young woman walks towards me and asks angrily, â€Å"Why are you here so early? We haven’t even opened the shop for the day. It is too early in the morning.†â€Å"I’m sorry, my parents died this morning, and I am left to figure out my life on my own.†â€Å"I’m sorry about your parents. My friend, her name was Polly Logan, died recently. People are saying that it is a fever. Do you know if your parents died or a fever?†â€Å"My parents were diagnosed by Dr. Benjamin Rush himself. He bled both my mother and father, and said, â€Å"I will send someone over, they shall be sent over every day for two more weeks, and to take†¦show more content†¦While I was thinking, someone yells from the back of the coffeehouse, â€Å"Hey, Matilda. Get to work. The customers are coming soon.†Yelled a woman. I then asked the girl, supposedly Matilda, â€Å"Your name is Matilda?†â€Å"Oh, yes. I guess I never really told you my name did I?†she paused for a moment as I nodded, then continued. â€Å"Back there is the kitchen, and the people in there are my mother and Eliza, our cook. My mother was the person telling me to work, so I got to go.†As she finished I just waved goodbye and sat down at a table, and watched people swarm into Cook’s Coffeehouse. Sitting at the table, and watching everybody else reminded me of the bars that my father would take me to. I’ve only been to a couple bars with my father, when nobody else wants to spend time watching me. Although, in the bars, contrary to popular belief, my father never let me have alcohol, and would only get me some water. At the end of the day, I had seen many people and the many occupations they all had. I saw man y people from different jobs including, fishermen, merchants, importers, and bankers. I heard many stories of people’s families. As night approached, I walked out of the coffeehouse in search of somewhere to sleep. I did not want to go back to my own house because I did not want to catch yellow fever myself. So I decided to leave town, and walk all the way to a farm in the middle of nowhere. Deciding I was doneShow MoreRelatedPersonal Narrative Short Story1153 Words  | 5 PagesI still remember that fateful day, the day I was Stolen. It started out as a normal day at school. I’ll take you through the whole story. There is one thing you should try to figure out, who kidnapped me. â€Å"Joey, Wait up!†I yelled out. Why was he walking so fast, and not responding? It’s almost like he’s ignoring me. I started to jog, but he was already gone. I turned the other way to walk home. It was a long walk, for I lived in the country part of town. I noticed leaves crunching behind me, andRead MorePersonal Narrative Short Story1191 Words  | 5 PagesIt was a warm summer day with good air, most kids were out riding their bikes, scooters, etc. or running around, playing tag, yet I was huddled inside, reading a good book. The sun was shining bright, yet the clouds were blocking it, acting like the filter in a juice machine, separating the good stuff from the bad stuff. The clouds let the light come in just enough so it can light up everything, but not enough to make you sweat when not doing draining activities. This made it the perfect weatherRead MorePersonal Narrative : A Short Story1301 Words  | 6 Pages â€Å"Aww is little Airi hurt?†he says with a sarcastic tone. His let’s out his evil laugh and picks me up. â€Å"L-leave me alone.. DON’T TOUCH ME!†I scream out. â€Å"Okay†he says as he immediately drops me on the floor and drags me through the snow by my short brown hair. My legs are numb so I can’t feel my legs being cut up by the wooden porch. He lets go of my hair in the middle of the living room. This is the first time he’s ever put his hands on me and I don’t like it. My mother comes back and takesRead MorePersonal Narrative : A Short Story1598 Words  | 7 PagesShadows The leaves blowing, the wind was whistling. The moon shined brighter than the sun did that morning. I looked like no other normal teenager, But I was wearing all black. Black leggings, Black jacket, Black shoes, black shirt. My hair looked like caramel, my eyes looked like a yellowish brown that shined in the moonlight. My name was nothing important to people. People say â€Å"Angelys†is a nice name but i think differently. Nothing seemed to happen, I was coming home from a friend’s house.Read MorePersonal Narrative Short Story1538 Words  | 7 Pages Seventh grade, probably dumbest person in the school. Not kidding, take a look at my report card from last semester and you’ll be shocked about how many F’s there are. I also have a really active imagination, so I just love to write and imagine stories in my head. Eileen and I start walking home from school, as I’m trying to look at all of the bruises on my face using my phone’s camera whi le we walk. â€Å"Okay, girl, you may not be the smartest person in the school, but that was probably the dumbestRead MorePersonal Narrative Short Story1598 Words  | 7 Pages â€Å"Noooooooooo, I don’t want to!†I yelled. â€Å"I don’t care Emma, I’m going to be gone all night,†my mom said. â€Å"I am not babysitting Ally. I have track tonight.†â€Å"I bet you can make it up another day. You are babysitting your little sister tonight no matter what.†â€Å"No I’m not!†â€Å"I don’t like your attitude Emma! If you don’t babysit your little sister tonight, you can’t do track anymore!†â€Å"I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!†Then I ran out of the house slamming the door behind me. My momRead MorePersonal Narrative Story Short Story1619 Words  | 7 PagesSarah and Roger with their twins, Jules and Kendra. All of us cousins were very close in age. Stewart was the eldest, at age fourteen he was four years older than the youngest but he still hung out with us on the beach after dark. He had the best stories out of all of us. Andrew and I were the next oldest, six months apart in age in fact. The twins and Eric were the youngest. I remember the twins had just celebrated their 12th birthday that earlier that summer, while Eric’s birthday wasn’t untilRead MorePersonal Narrative Short Story1787 Words  | 8 Pagescaught by one of the S.W.A.T. officers. I remember being in a helicopter and being brought to a tower. I was led to a room with a gun pointed at my back, I wanted to run and get my life over with but I knew that my job was more important than my personal wants. I saw a man his face was handsome but his eyes held the death of hundreds. I knew that my time here was not going to be leisurely. This man began asking me questions such as what I was doing here and why I was running from the S.W.A.T. I ofRead MorePersonal Narrative Essay : A Short Story936 Words  | 4 Pageswhen I open the door of my grandma’s house my grandma asks â€Å"Are you ok?†â€Å"Your face is all red†â€Å"I’m fine,†I say. Then I run to my room trying to hide my tears. Whenever I feel bad I would always read a bedtime story book but not the ones with happy endings. So I grab are small story called anger. There was once a man who kept all his sadness and anger in him waiting to explode and finally one day he couldn’t take it anymore and all that anger exploded the end. After I read it I realized it remindedRead MoreAlice Munros an Ounce of Cure1548 Words  | 7 Pagesstudies make the link between literary techniques such as narrative and storytelling and several other disciplines. Thus, one may find the theories of narrative and storytelling extending up to several major disciplines, such as philosophy, psychology, and literary criticism. In the view of different experts in literary analyses, there is a close connection between narrative or storytelling and the definition of the nature of self and personal identity. The former has been understood as influential
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Knowledge of the Founders free essay sample
The Founders studied Polybius, whose written works provided a theoretical account of the development of society and government. Polybius saw the history of government as falling into a recurring cycle by which kingship inevitably gave way to successive stages of tyranny, aristocracy, oligarchy, democracy, and anarchy, at which point a strong leader would merge and establish himself as king, thus starting the cycle over again. The only hope of breaking the cycle, Polybius maintained, lay in a mixed form of government (mixed elements) and certainly not in a pure democracy. The Founders read Adam Smiths groundbreaking and insightful work The Wealth of Nations, which was published in 1776, and which influenced their decision to embrace and implement capitalism as a means to distribute goods and services within our nation. The Founders also were well-read in the books of the Old Testament. Even though some Founders didnt subscribe to any Christian denomination, the teachings of Jesus and the works of the Old Testament were very held in high regard and with great respect by all. In fact, even though their backgrounds were widely diverse, the fundamental beliefs of the Founders were virtually identical. What are the principles embedded in the Constitution? Basically our founding principles can be summarized as follows: A free people living in a civil society, working in self-interested cooperatives, and a government operating within the limits of its authority, promote more prosperity, opportunity and happiness for more people than any alternative ever devised by man. 1. Natural Law The delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787 believed that certain human liberties are so fundamental to ones existence that they must come from our Creator. If that is the case, then no government can take them away. This is the foundation for the Bill of Rights. 2. Individual Liberty Remembering the injustices that the King of Great Britain had imposed upon them, the colonists were adamant about protecting the individual rights of the people. They added the Bill of Rights as the first ten amendments to the Constitution in order to protect those God-given rights from any constraints or denial by the government. 3. Federalism Most of the delegates to the convention were reluctant to form a national government that would take power from the states. At the same time, they recognized a need for a stronger national government that would provide defense against foreign aggressors and resolve disputes between the states; therefore, they instituted a government structure called federalism that assigned specific powers to the national government and left all remaining powers with the states. The system drafted at the Convention and adopted and ratified by the States (after the addition of the Bill of Rights, and specifically here, the Tenth Amendment) left the bulk of jurisdictional power to the individual states. . Limited Government The careful drafting of the Constitution reflected the Framers intent to limit the ability of the federal government to exercise any more power than the citizens (aka, the States) agreed to give it. With the powers of government strictly limited, citizens could be free to pursue their individual visions of happiness. The Founding Fathers shared Thomas Jeffersons vision for the new nation unburdened ind ividual liberty, personal responsibility, and limited government. According to Jeffersons own Declaration of Independence, the main purpose of government is to secure the rights of its citizens to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. As the Founders believed, a small government with limited powers would be best to safeguard its citizens liberties over a government with unlimited powers because the latter would have the tendency to misuse those powers. The Founders wanted to prevent any opportunity for government tyranny and oppression. They wanted the people to be the master and the government to be the servant. The government was to serve the people. As Patrick Henry warned: The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government lest it come to dominate our lives and interests? Its simply our duty as Americans and as guardians of the very safeguards of Democracy and Freedom to know our History. The American people are the final check in our system of checks and balances. It is only with an educated populace that we can perform this great task. 5. Separation of Powers The delegates were extremely concerned with the balance of power between the three branches of the national government. They had fled from Britain to escape the clutches of a brutal monarch and wanted no such ruler to obtain power here. They were also concerned with factions, or interest groups, gaining too much power. They organized a system of checks and balances that provided a separation and delicate balance of national powers among the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branches so as to protect and preserve the integrity of the Constitution and to prevent the government from overstepping its reach and trampling the powers of the States and intruding on the rights of the individual. 6. Free Markets The Founders embraced the economic philosophy put forth by Adam Smith (in his book Wealth of Nations published in 1776) which is the capitalism system we have today. Smith wrote that the most efficient economic system is driven by supply and demand and by pure competition. Smith believed that the free market system would work most effectively in the absence of government interference. Such a laissez-faire (a term popularized by Wealth of Nations meaning leave alone or allow to be) policy would, in his opinion, encourage the most efficient operation of private and commercial enterprises. He was not against government involvement in public projects too large for private investment, but rather objected to its meddling in the market mechanism. He also held that individuals acting in their own self-interest would naturally seek out economic activities that provided the greatest financial rewards. Smith was convinced that this self-interest would in turn maximize the economic well-being of society as a whole. Finally, he argued that true wealth did not lay in gold but rather in the productive capacity of all people, who are properly motivated (rewards of risktaking and investment) and through hard work and worth ethic, each seeking to benefit from his or her own labors. The bottom line is that the Constitution was crafted with two very important principles in mind that the individual states retain as much sovereign power as possible and that our government have only limited and clearly-defined responsibilities and limited authority. The majority of power was to remain in the hands of the local population. The principles of federalism, limited and clearly-enumerated powers, separation of powers, and checks and balances are all important Constitutionally-imposed limits on the power of government, which was the vision of our Founders (especially Jefferson). The principles of Federalism and limited government were the foundation of our system of government to ensure that the federal government would not become large, would not become intrusive, would not become powerful, and would not encroach on the rights of the states to maintain their own character and to solve their own problems. This was the clear intent in the drafting of our Constitution. As mentioned earlier, in writing the Constitution, the Founders were guided, in principle, by the Declaration of Independence, which listed the reasons the colonies were declaring their separation from England and listed the principles on which the newly independent states would define their reason for existence. The Declaration was the set of values that would define our new nation. The arrangement of the statement We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness reveals the Founders belief that individual rights pre-exist the establishment of a government, which was a radical notion at the time (but proposed by philosophers who believed in Natural Law). The Declaration begins, We hold these truths to be self-evident . . . which indicates clearly that the Founders did not intend merely to apply the concept of unalienable rights to colonists, but rather to hold out that it is universal. Included in these universal truths is the idea, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. This bold assertion insists that no one life is more valuable than the next, and that by virtue of shari ng the same rights no individual has the authority to rule over or oppress another. Moreover, the equal rights shared by all humans are unalienable. They cannot be taken away. This is because they are granted not by any man or institution but rather they are endowed upon individuals by their Creator. Only the one who grants rights has the authority to take them away. Although the founders believed in the unalienable rights of every person, they also understood that there will always be forces in this world that seek to oppress. Thus, to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it. Put simply, government possesses no rights. Its sole purpose is to protect the rights of its citizenry from outside forces. If it fails in this duty, it is the responsibility of individuals to abolish it. The writers of the Declaration and subsequently the writers of the Constitution believed that governments power comes out of its ability to protect the rights of its people. Individuals do not receive natural rights from government and thus government does not have the authority to take rights away. To the extent that it protects individual rights, government operates legitimately. However, when it fails to protect such rights or when it imposes upon them, it becomes an illegitimate ruler over what would otherwise be free people. When the Founding Fathers gathered in Philadelphia in 1776, they did not merely declare the independence of the colonies from their British oppressors and declare their intention to create a free nation that would stand the test of time. They also declared the independence of all individuals from the unlawful intrusion of overreaching government. And that declaration forever altered the course of human history. The first task before the Founders was establishing the foundation on which we derive our basic and most fundamental freedoms. They embraced the Natural Law philosophy proposed by Marcus Tullius Cicero of ancient Rome and of later philosophers such as John Locke, Sir William Blackstone, and Thomas Hooker, and even of Jesus himself. It is worth looking at Ciceros concept of Natural Law. Cicero came to be enlightened one day while he was walking and trying to imagine what an ideal Rome would be like. As the foremost lawyer of his day, he was concerned with law. He wondered where laws came from. He came to conclude that law, that which distinguishes good from bad and which discourages and punishes the latter, did not originate from man alone. That is, law was not a matter of written statutes but was a matter deeply and fundamentally ingrained in the human spirit. Ciceros reasoned as follows: 1. Humans, like the Earth and the universe itself, were created by a higher power (God) 2. This higher power which created the universe also endowed humans with a bit of its own divinity (meaning that the Creator gave humans the higher powers of speech, intelligent thought, reason, and wisdom). 3. As a result of this spark of divinity, humans must be (forever) linked or related in some way to their Creator. . Because humans share reason with this higher power, and because this higher power is presumed to be benevolent, it follows that humans, when employing reason correctly, will also be benevolent. 5. Reason and benevolence (termed right reason) is the foundation of law. As Cicero explained in his many writings (which were read by our Founders), law is whatever promotes good and forbids evil. What corrupts good law are the age-old hu man failings of wealth, greed, desire for status, lust, and other inconsequentials outside of virtue and honor. In short, according to Cicero, the only intelligent approach to government, justice and human relations is in terms of the laws which the Supreme Creator had already established. The Founders took from Cicero an idea that was revolutionary in terms of a governing a body and that idea was that the glue which binds human beings together in any commonwealth of a just society is love love of God, love of Gods great law of justice, and love of ones fellow man which provides the desire to promote true justice among mankind. In order to eliminate depravity of society it was necessary to respect this natural order and to love God, oneself, and one another. If man could do this, then his ability to reason and rule would be done justly and in a benevolent manner, and he would therefore be guided right reason. It is from the thinking of men like Cicero, as well as the teachings of the Bible, and including the teachings of Jesus himself, that the Founders had the vision to ground our fundamental freedoms in Natural Law. It is easy to see how strongly our Founders were influenced by Ciceros writings. Our nation wasnt influenced by atheist principles, but rather by principles grounded in a belief in God. The Declaration of Independence proudly proclaims that we as a nation believe in a Creator who has endowed us with our fundamental rights. Let us note that while our Constitution establishes and defines our government, it is the Declaration of Independence which establishes our nations value system. While the concept of Natural Law has clearly been around for a long time, the US Constitution was the first constitution to be based on this principle. What this means is that since our rights come from our Creator, these rights are beyond the reach of the government. The government cannot take these rights away or burden them in any meaningful way. Just as the Creator is more powerful and more significant than any nation or any government, our rights are paramount over any law that the government tries to enact to subordinate its people. Governments who do not acknowledge this supreme order of rights have no duty to recognize them. Consequently, peoples rights are subject to the whim and pleasure of the government. ie, Nazi Germany). The next task before the Founders was what kind of system to create. They knew what kinds of liberties had to be secured and protected, but what was the best system to protect them ? The Founders understood that throughout history, people have been ruled by systems that range anywhere from Kings Rule (tyranny) at one far end to complete Anarchy at the other far end (which is the absence of law). The Fo unders recognized the bad in both. Tyranny was oppressive and people alone, without laws, would become a mob and would resort to the lowest forms of human behavior. Consequently, they wanted to establish a system of Peoples Law, which is someplace halfway between Kings Rule and Anarchy halfway between tyranny and mob rule. Under Peoples Law, the government is kept under the control of the people and political power is maintained at the balanced center with enough government to maintain security, justice and good order, but not enough government to abuse the people and intrude in their lives. Peoples Law is in the middle between Rulers Law (King, or other tyrant is the rules; tyranny) and Anarchy (where there is no law at all). They embraced the system of Peoples Law, which derived from the Israelites and Anglo-Saxon common law and includes the concepts of government by consensus, natural or God-given rights for the people, power dispersed among the people, individual responsibility, rights being unalienable, a system of justice including reparations for wrongs, and a system to solve problems on the level on which they were created. The Founders, especially Thomas Jefferson, admired the institutes of freedom under Peoples Law. In fact, our system was strongly influenced after the system of government and the rules established by Moses after the Israelites were freed from their bondage in Egypt. In the Federalist Papers, No. 9, Alexander Hamilton refers to the sensations of horror and disgust which arise when a person studies the histories of those nations that are always in a state of perpetual vibration between the extremes of tyranny and anarchy. The Founders task was to somehow solve the enigma of the h uman tendency to rush headlong from anarchy to tyranny the very thing which later happened in the French Revolution. How could the American people be constitutionally structured so that they would take a fixed position at the balanced center of the political spectrum and forever maintain a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, which would not perish from the earth? The answer, the Founders believed, was minimal government with maximum individual liberty. And the way to achieve this was twofold: First, the Founders realized that most of the peoples power would have to remain within the State and relegated to the individual State. Limited power would be ceded by the States to the federal government on matters that would relate on matters touching on the nation as a whole, such as national security, conducting relations with foreign nations, raising an army, entering into treaties, establishing policy with the Native Indians, regulating commerce among states so that certain states dont have too much of an advantage in trade compared to others. And second, the powers delegated to the government would have to be limited and clearly-defined. James Madison described the division of labor between the states and the federal government as follows: The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the state governments are numerous and indefinite. The powers reserved to the several states will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and property of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the state. [The Federalist No. 45]. The fixing of the American eagle in the center of the spectrum was designed to maintain this political equilibrium between people in the states and the federal government. The idea was to keep the power base close to the people. The emphasis was on strong local self-government. The states would be responsible for internal affairs and the federal government would confine itself to those areas which could not be fairly or effectively handled by the states. The term, or concept, that relates to this division or sharing of power between the states and government is called Federalism. The concept of federalism makes sense when you consider the position of the individual states. Prior to the Constitutional Convention, the states were sovereign powers who viewed the idea of a strong centralized government with absolute distrust. They didnt want any entity exerting power over them, especially since theyd managed to exist for over 150 years successfully and independently. The colonies were es tablished to allow the settlers in each state to worship and practice as they desired and to establish communities which embraced their religious principles. The colonists were people who came from England and other European countries where they were repressed religiously or persecuted for their beliefs. The states took their sovereignty and their local laws and customs very seriously. At the time of our independence from England, each state was a sovereign little nation. [We refer to them as colonies which denotes something relatively unstructured, but the fact is that they were basically independent nations. They each had their own government and they had no legal ties to the other states, except through any arrangements they may have made for trade and commerce]. The states (colonies) fought long and hard for their independence from Britain, a nation with a tyrannical government. They wanted to make sure that they did not create a new tyrannical government in its place. They didnt want to give up their rights as sovereign states and they certainly didnt want a federal government that was more powerful than them. They didnt want a federal government to tell them what they can and cannot due within their boundaries. In Article II of the Articles of Confederation, the Founders attempted to make this guarantee by preventing the federal government from taking too much power from the states. In Article II, our Founders provided: Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this Confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled. (The Articles of Confederation failed because the states retained too much power and consequently, the central government lacked any meaningful enforcement power over them). At the Convention of 1787, the topic of states rights versus government powers again dominated the discussion. One of the predominant arguments was over which rights the federal government would have and which rights the states would retain. It was this heated debate that eventually would cause the st ates to approach the Constitution with caution and take four years plus ten amendments (Bill of Rights) before they would ratify it. There were the Federalists (who argued for a strong central government at the expense of the states) and the Anti-Federalists (who already thought the states had surrendered more than enough of their power). But most people at the time, as reflected by the delegates, wanted the majority of power to stay in the hands of local people and not in the hands of an insensitive central government. In order to form a more perfect union, the states realized they would have to surrender some of this power in order to create an effective federal government that could protect all the states. If we study the back and forth between the state representatives who attended the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, the only way the states delegates would sign the Constitution was if they were given assurances that they would only have to give up minimum jurisdiction and power. They only intended to give up just enough sovereign power to overcome the inadequacies of the Articles of Confederation and no more. On September 17, 1787, the final draft of the Constitution was signed. Of the 55 people who attended the Convention, 39 actually signed. Some, such as Oliver Ellsworth, left as the Convention progressed, while others refused to sign in protest, such as George Mason, Edmund Randolph, and Elbridge Gerry. But nevertheless, the delegates succeeded in the work they set out to do and the task of the Convention was complete. The Constitution was created. The Constitutional Convention of 1787 produced the most enduring written Constitution ever created by human hands. As Ben Franklin noted in a speech on that final day urging all delegates to sign the document and to do so immediately, the Constitution may have its faults, but it is possible that
Ambition in Macbeth Essay Example For Students
Ambition in Macbeth Essay Ever since he heard the prophecies that promised him power, Macbeth’s mind has been descending into a disoriented state as times passed. In the duration of Acts 1 and 2, Macbeth, under the influence of Lady Macbeth and his own ambition, has changed from being a rational, level-headed man to one of questionable integrity. With Macbeth’s coronation, not only does his inner turmoil affect his mentality, but also his behaviour and senses. Scotland is immersed in more chaos by Macbeth’s hunger for supremacy, his acknowledgement of his crimes, and by further disturbance in the human order and divine order. As king, Macbeth’s desire for power becomes more evident. He begins to risk anything for his greed. Willing to cast aside the life of his friend Banquo for his personal gain, Macbeth consorts with murderers. Macbeth has thought ahead to Banquo’s prophecies, particularly the one that states that Banquo â€Å"shalt get kings†(I, iii, 67). His adverse attitude toward the thought of someone else taking the throne has distorted his sense of morality. Furthermore, after having Ba.
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